Notice Board

RCND Inter College, Kanti

Rameshwar Choudhary Nageswari Devi Inter College(RCND Inter College ) is situated in the Kanti's ward no-10,Nagar Panchayat Kanti Muzaffarpur, Bihar. RCND Inter College is recognized by Bihar School Examination Board, Senior Secondary(BSEB,SS). The College management always trying for the development of the students inculcates in them qualities of good habits, good culture, good etiquettes, trains and inspires them to follow the path of righteousness to achieve their goals.

RCND Inter College is esteblished in year 1984 with the moto of Universalisation of qualitative education. The college offers Intermediate programmes in Arts and Science streams. The college promises to be a leading college in Kanti, Muzaffarpur of Bihar state in the field of education. More..


Ex. Chairman's


बिहार के शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में विगत ३५ वर्षों से मुजफ्फरपुर जिला के काँटी नगर पंचायत अवस्थित रामेश्वर चौधरी नागेश्वरी देवी इंटर काँलेज एक प्रतिष्ठित शिक्षण केंद्र है |

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Swami Vivekanand one of the greatest philosopher of Modern Era defines education -"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man"

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Our Team

Late Dr. Abhaynandan Prasad Choudhary


Smt. Shavitry Choudhary

CHAIRPERSON Governing Body

Dr. Ambuj Kumar Das


Dr. Kumari Rambha


Contact Us

Rameshwar Choudhary Nageswari Devi Inter College,


Kanti,Muzaffarpur, Bihar(843109)
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