Parton Message

Dear Student's

Welcome to the 2019-2021 Academic Year

Swami Vivekanand one of the greatest philosopher of Modern Era defines education -"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man" Education he said must provide life -building man - making ,character -making assimilation of ideas. In fact the object of the ideal system of education should not merely be advancement of theoretical knowledge but also the advancement of life development of the highest powers and capacities and the unfoldment of the noblest potentiality of the students.

Its aim is also to promote the growth of students - Physically, intellectually morally and spiritually. Considering this vision related to the aim of education R.C.N.D. Inter College (Rameshwar Choudhary Nageshwary Devi Inter College) was established in 1984 at kanti ,Muzaffarpur,Bihar. Since the first session 1984-86 the institution is offering quality education of Intermediate Science and Arts.

The aim of our college is to promote a system of integral education in a congenial student friendly environment that emphasises the unity of all knowledge synthesises humanity and morality. We believe in the concept that a student has great power,potentiality . They need teachers proper guidance patronage , support to shape himself as good human being. Our Institute also provide our teachers the flexibility to adopt innovative methods to stimulate interest and attention in extra curricular activities .

The result of our efforts has been visualized. . In last academic sessions hundreds of students have joined IIT,Medical Colleges,Engineering Colleges,Military services and other fields like teaching ,Journalism, Law ,Social Services In the academic session 2017-2019 more than one thousand students has passed in Intermediate examination which includes more than 500 student securing First Devision.

To promote cultural richness and holistic education among students the college encourages students through 'Cultural society 'Sports Club''Literary society'"Seminars" Skill Development Program other events. Remember Library and Career services are here to help you. Well equipped laboratories for practical. NCC provides you to be a disciplined citizen and patriot. Co-education supports to meritorious students, physically handicapped students are given proper attention and supports .Economically weak students are granted free-studentship and other support. But you remember Bapu's (Mahatma Gandhi's) saying:- "A man is but product of his own thought, what he thinks he becomes ." Good wishes for bright and prosperous future for all our students.

Dr. Ambuj Kumar Das
